
trying to move on, didn't even work

ft anyone


08-21-2019, 09:10 PM

Her voice made him stop dead in his tracks, ears flattened for a moment cursing himself for not being quieter. He wasn't the most social of his siblings and very weary of strangers. But he was not completely rude. He was sure if he would be rude and continue to walk away Hannibal would have his head. So the male turned, his pink eyes looking back towards the den as the small women came out of it. He wasn't as big as Hannibal, but he was quick to notice that this was a small women compared to even himself. Pink gaze would find her own as she thanked him. She stammered a bit on her words and for some reason it made him feel more obligated not to leave right away. His kids knew better then to disobey him and leave the den. She was asking for a bit of a chat, which he should get to know those within the pack.

He would turn his form around and come back a few paces, closer but a respectable distance from the mouth of the den. He would then sit and look to her again, pink eyes scanning the emotions in her face and eyes for a moment. His thoughts gravitated back to her question, frowning for a moment as he realized he really didn't know what all was going on within the pack. He had been so busy with his own brood that he wasn't that intermingled with the pack yet. The frown soon faded before he looked away for a moment.

"My sister Deathbelle recently had a litter and as far as I know the pack is bustling with activity. Much more then that I don't know I've had..... my own kids to care for," he stated quietly.

Why had he felt the need to tell her? She could easily seek out his children and kill them, how could he trust her? Somehow he didn't think she would do something like that, plus he was finding it fairly difficult to provide for his kids what they had lost with their mother. The comfort, affection, and deep connection she had held with them. He just didn't feel like he was as close to them all as he should be.
