
Under the moonlight

Aria I


07-23-2013, 07:26 AM
Aria Corvi

What was it that made him leave? Aria needed to know, wanted to know if she had done something back then that made him upset, even though she doubted it, the two would get into it sometimes but always made up right after. It had to be something else, perhaps Orlaya? The very name caused the shewolf to shudder. That woman was jealous of the two's closeness, often staring from a distance, having an attitude whenever around Aria.

As he began to speak her ears perked up, turning her head to gaze at him with forest green eyes. He did return to their spot, but there was no signs she had been there recently. How? It was her favorite place to go to, was that when her mother suddenly became ill? Her eyes narrowed as she turned her head away, trying to remember what had happened. Quickly it came and it indeed was when her mother became suddenly ill from her madness, but it wasn't entirely for that. Then he brought up Orlaya and her body grew stiff, nostrils flared and lips pulled back slightly. She told him she never wanted to see him, couldn't stand the sight of him. That as definitely all Orlaya's doing. Aria could never feel such a way towards Siarvon, she always looked forward to seeing him and being able to spend time with the male whenever possible back then. And she felt bad for being angry when she did see him, but that wasn't because of him, it was because of the woman trying to be with him. How could she tell him that though?

"It definitely wasn't true... I could never feel that way towards you Siarvon." Her voice grew soft, losing the bubbliness it usually held, sounding almost fragile now. She was upset that he would fall for the woman's lies, it was obvious that she didn't like the two being together. But then again, like always, she couldn't be mad at him. Aria didn't tell him anything either, didn't want him to worry or be upset. Aria wanted him to keep going on with his life, not be bothered by her problems. A saddened look came across her face, something that didn't happen often. Thinking about it brought a pain to her heart, what would have happened if things went differently? Suddenly she felt something, breaking her from her thoughts. She felt Siarvon caress her cheek, causing her eyes to close and lean into his touch. It felt nice, calming. His presence did the same think but this was different, making her heart race.

"How about we wait for a nice spot to talk?" She asked with a smile, opening her eyes and pulling away slightly so she could look to him with the smile. Indeed they did find a spot not long after, a small beach surrounded by water glistening under the moon. Her light colored paws stepped onto the cool sands, leaving small impressions behind. Unlike though Siarvon the shewolf stayed on the shore, sitting back on her haunches, watching the male with a small smile and soft gaze.

"Do you think the world can really keep two wolves apart? I've been trying to catch you for a while, yet I have always been unsuccessful, I wont let you fall when things get bad, not again." She gave a small shake f her head, not losing that smile, then looked up to the moon. It reminded her of herself, scarred but beautiful. No matter how many times it took a beating the moon still kept going, just like Aria. She had things happen that affected her in the past, still does now, but she managed to keep going, trying to make the best of it.

I think it can, it kept us apart didn't it? But it because it can separate us, it has to let us meet up again. Just look at us now. She lowered her head to gaze over at the man. Maybe it's not literally the world, but an entity that was trying to do something for us. Look at what we have become because of our separation... She didn't care if it made her sound crazy, thinking that an entity they couldn't see had something to do with them being separated. She could believe it if she wanted, she wouldn't force the man to. Aria just needed something, needed to believe that was to make them both stronger, to change in a positive way.

But then Siarvon's promise, he didn't use that word but that's what it felt like he was doing. Promising he wouldn't leave her again when things got bad. Thank you Siarvon... She sighed lightly in relief, happy that he would not leave her again, it would probably have a harder blow on her now than before. This time though she would go after him, not just let him go.

Her scar and tail, he had asked what happened to them. Aria wasn't sure if she should tell him the truth or not, make him become upset with Orlaya. She would have to, she couldn't bring herself to lie... You wanted to know about my tail and scars? She asked him softly, her gaze falling to the sand in front of her, lifting a paw and dipping it into the cool water. If he wanted to know then she would tell him, or was it she needed to tell him for something?


Awesome table by Mie <3