
full throttle

Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-22-2019, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 08-22-2019, 01:34 AM by Dominus I.)

What lacerations the bear had managed to actually land on the quicker wolf were beginning to sting as Dominus pushed himself to run through the pines as quick as possible. The adrenaline from the fight still soared through him, mixed with the urgency to find help for his friend before her wounds caused her to bleed out. He had never seen so much blood pouring from something that wasn't meant to be a meal.

The image of that dark splatter of blood across the pine forest floor replayed in his mind, followed by what he could recall of her face the last he looked upon her. The sight of skin hanging from her skull and hiding one of her eyes was among the more gruesome things that he had ever experienced, but it fueled him to fly through the forest using every bit of his height and long limbs to his advantage to cover ground.

He had no idea where to even look for his sister or any healer for that matter. The last he remembered of his sister, he had been attempting to keep her out of danger at the Maw and out of sight of his sickness that had taken over their father. It stung his heart to think about, but he was way too focused on Exxon's frailty to allow himself to dwell on such things.

A loud plea of a howl rang through the giant's throat as soon as he escaped the coverage of the pines. His paws drove themselves toward the battlegrounds in his desperation- having remembered stumbling upon it in the past. He hoped that such an attraction in Boreas would also attract anyone skilled in aiding wounded fighters, but his doubt of their being a healer conveniently there when he needed them kept his fears for Exxon's life alive. That same fear was the reason his howls rang so repetitively and so loudly, bellowing again and again as if he were more of a lion than a wolf.

It was the middle of the night without a single cloud littering the sky and able to threaten to shut him up with the rain- which was fortunate for him. By the time he reached the Battlegrounds, he had to take a break in his howls... his lungs burning from their repeated efforts to push out a call loud enough to reach miles while still trying to power the beast's muscles during his frenzied running.

On top of a relatively elevated mound stained in old blood from those that were here before him, Dominus stood tall in a heavy pant, piercing blue eyes scanning his surroundings. Any movement at all would pull absolutely all of his attention.

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.