
The day of the hunter

fighting Prompt



5 Years

Pride - BisexualMammoth HunterPromptober 2019
08-22-2019, 07:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2019, 03:15 PM by Hela.)

Feminine paws moved across the lonely terrain as her eyes or pink pierced the landscape, looking for something a prey perhaps. Her expression was calm, serene. But no one should trust that relative peaceful expression, it could hide a less pleasant fellow. No, Hela wasn't truly kind, she only pretended to be, it was a tool she used for getting to her goal, to make others do what she wants. It was hard to unmask her, she was excellent in what she did, hiding her true self was an art. An art she dominated through these years and even as a pup she didn't find it hard to play nice even if she really wasn't. All were the product of her thirst of power, of showing the world who she was, who she could be. She was a strategist, one who counted with a touch for convincing, for reaching the best point of a person and then use it for her own benefit. And as she marched, she thought about her stance here. She was staying behind on the ranks, she wasn't in a beneficial position. She needed to rise, she needed to claim her spot on the heavens of Ashen, but how? How could she do so? Well, she would take her time to plan, to take advantage of any chance that could come.

But as she kept going, the sound of steps caught her attention. Her ears switched around in an attempt of locating the source. And there at the distance, a cougar was spotted. Almost trespassing the borders. Well, Hela wasn't going to allow such foolishness. But she wasn't a fool, she wasn't going to run and attack without a plan. No, Crow didn't play without some brain behind each move. And in a lethal silence hides behind a bush, making sure she was driving against the wind so her scent couldn't betray her position. Lowering her ears and body crunches ahead. And there start building plans.

A smirk revealed her porcelain teeth.

oc: Word count: 337
