
To the batcave



4 Years

Treat 2019
08-22-2019, 08:14 PM

He raised a brow when she noted his placement in the race. “Not a great runner.” He admitted, the tunnels he was used to were not meant to be ran through- that was a good way to cause a cave in. He wasn’t surprised by his placement because of this, but he still felt he should have done better than some children. Regardless, it had been fun, that was all that mattered to him.

His mention of the bat cave seemed to spark her interest and she led him off into the undergrowth in the direction the bats had come from earlier. Thoren followed happily, easily falling into place behind her so that they could travel quicker without getting tangled or tripped up in the undergrowth. Her encouragement of being near made him all the happier, with the sun coming up his head was beginning to hurt, his eyes beginning to instinctively narrow. The foliage broke and then there it was. Thoren paused for a moment, coming up to Rag’s shoulder to offer a grin in response to her curious gaze.

They entered and were almost immediately swallowed by deep shadows. His eyes widened once more to normal size and he sighed a heavy sigh of relief. Thoren looked up to see the bats huddling together on the roof of the cave. If they were quiet, they wouldn’t disturb them. Breathing in the cave air, he became even more aware of her heat, glancing at her as she shifted uncomfortably. Thoren offered a reassuring nudge with his shoulder, she had nothing to fear from him. He was not immune to the urges that sparked at the scent, but he had been around it enough in confined spaces to know how to act without embarrassing him or her. “Lets explore…” He spoke softly, as if it was the most natural thing to talk quietly in the cave. So quietly that his voice barely echoed. As an after thought he would mention, "careful, lots of bat shit and bugs." Perhaps a little...odd, but the bugs could bite. Using his tail as a way to stay connected to her in the dark, he would move along the side of the cavern. The bats did not occupy the entire cave, they stayed near the mouth where it was easier to get in and out. Once they were far enough in, the bats were gone and thus the biting bugs.

It was a relief that his time out on the surface had not dulled his cave vision (as he called it), while he could not see perfectly Thoren could make out shapes in the cave and could tell where the walls were. It was better than being totally blind.

"3/3 for navigation"