
Forgive and forget and die


07-23-2013, 12:02 PM
The dame lay on the dirt. Her aqua blue eyes still wide with shock. She watched as the brute who had saved her carried her brother back up to their level. She listened as another wolf came into view and started to work on Thane's broken limb. Her black lined ears plastered against her head as she heard him scream. Hureia didn't want to hear it, didn't want to hear him in pain. Even this was her fault, if she hadnt had fallen he would still be alright. Soon enough the man who had saved them came over to her and lay on the ground as well. He said she was lucky that she didn't meet the same fate as her brother who he called her friend.

"my brother." she corrected in a soft tone.

"He's my brother." she said.

The dame looked up at him as he talked about luck. Luck? She had had no luck. Perhaps this was the only thing of luck she has ever had.

"Thank you for saving me and my name is Hureia, Hureia Tsarev." she said to him.

"what may your name be so Incan thank you by name?"

The femm lay there and turned her aqua blue gaze back to her brother. It is good he did not die. Thoughts of what he would have left on this Earth almost made her shiver. His children would be fatherless, his mate a widow. And he was so close to actually dying. Yet there Thane was, being tended to by a healer.

The female looked back at the brute who lay in front of her. She looked into his own gaze and offered him a smile. This was a nice man, hopefully this wouldn't be the last she saw of him. Perhaps he could even become a friend. Hureia didn't think she his any friends. Did she?, she didn't. Maybe she had to go out there and start her life again. Start anew...and leave everything behind.

OOC:ignore phone errors