
be a knight in shining armor



2 Years
08-23-2019, 02:46 PM

I have a basic plot with Lazuli with this girl. though I have no idea what'll happen - either of us do - the fact is that poor Niamh will develop stockholm syndrome toward Jupiter. this will be done respectfully and heavily researched, no worries! she thinks she's in love with him, but I'd loooove for an another to whisk her off her feet eventually. keyword; eventually.

aka we build toward it and talk a bit about it as we go. i love talking plots and i like to have some idea what's gonna happen. concepts and all that ;D

Niamh is bisexual - she can go for a man or a woman - but the important thing is that this person is actively trying to help her. or even protect her once they know she's basically a slave. maybe one day fight for her freedom. who knows? plenty of stuff can happen. to note, she'll probably be kept on Legion's lands since Jupiter is a member. cue lots of sneaking around. cue lots of drama. or maybe even Jupiter hires this other person to help her? again, IDEK

it does not have to be returned; to note. just a wolf who is kind to her. maybe breaks her heart eventually. maybe they are good friends at the end. I just want some drama for my girl.

she is mute and has face blindness. I'd want someone to help teach her to speak again so someone kind and has best interests. this would probably be a mentor-student sorta relationship at first. she wants to learn to craft to better serve Jupiter, but also to hunt to provide for him. this doesn't have to be in the plot; I am actively looking for people to help teach her. she's basically a bit feral and could use some useful lessons.

SO. DM me (on the discord) or post here to offer! thanks :D
niamh is selectively mute and does not talk; not even to give her name. as such people are free to make up names for her or assume one
she also has face blindness and will not recognize your character unless she is constantly exposed to them.