
Blood of my Blood



9 Years

Double MasterTreat 2019Promptober 2019
08-23-2019, 08:48 PM
ooc: I know Winterfell is getting full so if Acere would prefer to recommend her to Heloise's pack or another pack he's welcome to do so.

Drífa had wandered for what felt like ages. She'd travelled outside of Boreas and then back into Boreas again in the hopes of picking up some sign of Ignatius, or anyone really. Yet, it seemed her family, her pack, had disappeared in a puff of smoke. There was no sign of them and for all she knew she was now alone. Truly alone. She'd left her pack and her familiar with a young boy in the south and it left her with mixed feelings. She and Brynhildr hadn't been together terribly long but after wandering by herself with nothing but her own thoughts for company she sorely missed the raven. Still, what were aging wolves like her around for if not to help the youth? She felt proud to offer the young healer items that might help him in his journey to learn the healing arts. In truth she'd expected to die out here alone, but apparently she was so old and tough that not even the grim reaper wanted a bite. So what now?

Winter was coming, it was already breathing chill air down the back of her neck and at this rate she did not expect to survive it. It was true that she was skilled and experienced in surviving winter weather. In the lands she was originally from it was nearly winter all year round, or at least it appeared to be to those unfamiliar with the far north. Still, she was a loner. Loners were guaranteed to have a hard time when the nasty winter weather moved through and prey options became limited. Drífa was still hardy and quick but she would likely need to rely on scavenging and what limited small prey she could manage to pin down. Not exactly the nicest of existences.

Then there was the matter of shelter. She would need to find some place she could protect herself from the elements as well as other wolves. Caves would be an option once the bears were done settling in for the winter. She would likely be able to find one small enough to house her comfortably and small enough to make for difficult passage for larger wolves and predators. Drífa shifted the scrap of deer hide in her jaws which bore a few preserved herbs that she'd wished to keep from her summer and fall gathering. It was enough for now but it made her ache for a proper place to store her herbs. She supposed if there was a smaller chamber in one of the caves she might be able to make something suitable. She'd have a lot of gathering in order to make up for what she lacked but she did have enough experience with winter options to at least have something.

Drífa continued to work her way south before her track shifted east. She didn't really have much in the way of plans. She was just going where the wind guided her. While she preferred the northern territories as they reminded her of home she knew she'd need to go farther south if she was going to survive the winter alone. A change in the scent on the breeze caught her attention. What was this? She dipped her head to sniff the ground and noticed the markings of a pack boundary. Her heart fluttered for a moment but the scent was not one she recognized. This wasn't the work of Ignatius or any of his siblings starting a pack up. Frowning she started to work her way around it, heading south but then she paused and scented the border again. Finally she sat down to think, her tail wrapping around her feet for added warmth against the cool wind that continued to blow down from the north.

It wasn't in her nature to trust anyone but the family and pack she was raised with however she realized she needed to accept the fact that they were gone. As far as she knew she was alone in this strange new world. Calling for the alpha of this pack was risky. She had no idea of their reputation. They could be kind and welcoming or cruel and seek to enslave her. She was small and quick but it had been awhile since she'd had a good solid meal. Could she out run an attacker if she had to. Drífa sighed as she stared at her paws. What to do, what to do…

Finally she decided to throw caution to the winds and howl for the alpha. If the leader seemed off she could try and back out and if they seemed alright well then perhaps she'd have a home for the winter and maybe even longer. Assuming they had room for an older wolf of her particular talents. And if they didn't perhaps they could recommend her to another pack. So Drífa tipped back her head and howled for the alpha of the northern pack to come and speak with her. What did she have to lose at this point?