
you were brave

ft fracture



2 Years
08-23-2019, 11:43 PM

she had been kept tied to a tree but saw the entire thing. when others came up to look at her, she always looked past them. when the blue man purchased her, she looked past him a bit to spot someone in the crowd. it had been a flurry of emotion, of anger and rage and defiance. primal things that meant something different to her. her heart quickened and felt it squeeze as she looked upon the face of the one she sought. she wasn't going to leave without at least seeing him. her owner was close by; he allowed her to wander around within his sight. he was already a kind man in her eyes. he gave her food and compliments. it could be worse. she could have been fought over like a piece of meat.

standing on her toes, she spotted him at last. his back was to her, and he was walking away but she saw him. stumbling forward, Niamh raced over to the dark man and darted in front. her chest heaved and her eyes were wide but she could at least look at him. "mm..." she uttered uselessly, feeling her cheeks flush with red. it was the first sign of talking in a year. dropping her crimson eyes, she'd scribble in the dirt in front of the man. "are you okay?" and "saw fight." Niamh didn't know why she cared so much about a stranger. he was nothing to her. he hadn't bought her. he didn't even look at her. but she wanted him to.

maybe that lit a fire in her. "k-k...kay?" she surprised herself. her eyes flew open, blinking a few times. "kay... kay?" she was trying to ask if he was okay, even though she had just written it. flustered, the albino looked away.
niamh is selectively mute and does not talk; not even to give her name. as such people are free to make up names for her or assume one
she also has face blindness and will not recognize your character unless she is constantly exposed to them.