
Harvest of Plenty [Valhallan Autumn Festival]

Open to all!!



2 Years

Treat 2019
08-24-2019, 01:32 PM

Fracture had decided to accompany the other Winterfell wolves to the festival, though his motives were less so to enjoy himself and have fun and more to make sure his pack was safe and taken care of. A newly promoted Knight, Fracture felt the responsibility of his role. He'd vowed to defend those who could not defend themselves, and gods knew there were a lot of them here. When did Winterfell get so many children?

The dark man tailed behind the group, watching cautiously as the pups went and did their thing. Acere and Tyranis were also present, and Fracture was not about to step on either man's toes. He'd watch from afar, and interfere if his higher-up's requested it of him. Hopefully this festival would be uneventful and calm.

He spotted one other quiet, defenseless thing in the distance and his lips parted in a quiet sigh. Tail tucked, ears flattened, Yurei was simply terrified. There were others he recognized, but he'd vowed to help her find herself and her issue was the most pressing here at the moment. Fracture gave one final glance to the group of children before hurriedly trotting up to her. "Yurei." He began, voice hushed. The dark man leaned in slowly as he approached to touch his nose to her neck - if she'd let him - and then pressure his head upwards to by extension lift hers.

"You're representing Winterfell, sister." He let that hang in the air for a moment so she might understand, before continuing. "Do you see Acere and Tyranis over there?" Dark nose prodded in their direction. "They are here to protect us and you, as is Dragon, Heloise, and the others. They are skilled warriors, and will never let harm come to you." He knew his words were even more true, since his King and Hand defended him at the market from Sirius. "And nor will I. So please, try and enjoy this festival. I'm sure there are many healers here you could ask for advice from; they're typically a friendly bunch, easy to approach."
