
Fight for it

Seasonal Skill Prompt



4 Years

Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-24-2019, 02:22 PM

He’d said he could pull his own weight and Sandor was determined to do just that…he just wasn’t sure how he was going to do that. He’d left his armor behind in the den, it was too bulky and hard to maneuver in, if he was going to try his paw at hunting then he was going to need to be able to move as best he could. Stopping at the edge of the field, he took a moment to stretch, it was while he was doing this that he spotted movement in the center of the field. He paused, mid stretch and watched a funny looking feline pouncing on something in the grass. Ears came forward and a devious grin pulled his lips up. Hunting abandoned, he shifted out of his stretching pose and crouched low, slinking forward with his head barely above the tall grass so that he could see.

A wise hunter would have remained hidden and would have moved with softer paws, Sandor was still young, he didn’t yet understand this and thus the grass parted as he moved forward with haste. The distance between he and the feline was devoured too quickly, alerting the predator to his presence and giving it ample time to stand over its meal- but not run away. Sandor didn’t realize just how close he was until the grass in front of him parted and within a couple feet was the feline. It hissed, swiping a paw at the air as it rumbled a warning. Sandor lifted his lips in a childish snarl, a low rumble bubbling in his throat as his fur bristled making his gangly form appear bigger than it actually was.

A wise wolf would have circled the feline, but Sandor was young and foolish, filled with an arrogant sense of superiority he did not circle the predator to find a weakness. He brazenly charged head on at the feline, hoping to knock it over and end this fight quickly, but of course, that was not how it would happen. The feline abandoned its meal in favor of getting out of his way, swiping a clawed paw at him as he charged by. The feeling of claws dragging against his flank caused a searing pain that made the older pup yelp and wheel around, tripping as he did. He hit the ground hard, rolling as the feline charged at him with an angry snarl.

Sandor panicked, kicking out with all four feet at the feline as it tried to position itself on top of him. One hind paw connected with the chest, a front paw glanced off the face just enough to push it back for a moment. He flailed, rolling to his feet and immediately charged the feline again; it leapt up a bit, allowing it to wrap both front paws around his shoulders, its teeth trying to bite at his face. Fortunately for Sandor, his head had been down and teeth sank into the top of his skull, not his face. It was painful, another yelp pulled from his jaws as snapped his teeth onto the felines leg, right where it connected with the chest. Claws dug into each of his shoulders, more blood stained his fur as it came to the surface and ran down to the ground. He could feel hot liquid on his skull; it ran down slowly, causing an itch.

Sandor snarled his best puppy snarl as he shook his head and shoved his weight forward, knocking the feline off balance and sending it to the ground. The jarring motion caused the feline to release his head momentarily, giving Sandor enough time to grab release the hold he had on the leg and move it to the neck. The claws that had dug into his shoulders released, only to be higher up on his neck by his ears. He yelped again but only tightened his grip as a strangled yowl came from the feline. Its hind claws came up in a desperate attempt, kicking at his chest. Not knowing what else to do Sandor let all of his weight fall on the cat, pinning its hind legs against his upper chest. Breathing hard, he held on to the feline long after it stopped breathing. Huffing and puffing he laid there on top of it, hesitantly he slowly relaxed his jaws. The feline didn’t move and he shakily got to his feet. Trembling the pup stood over his prize, looking it over. If the pelt wasn’t any good…at least the meat would be. Now he just had to find the energy to drag it back. For the moment, he was going to rest. Sandor took a step away from the feline and lay back down sorely, licking the wounds on his left shoulder.

"800 words exactly.

anyone is welcome to join. Sandor is considered accepted into Lirim, this is post Home? thread. "