
A Cautious Shadow.


07-23-2013, 04:03 PM
Udosa enjoyed the sight of the other she wolf being happy, it made her feel equally content. They splashed about in the waves, laughter echoing across the beach as they frolicked. As the wave hit her, raucous laughter filled her auds, the sandy woman bent over and giggling.

A name also floated to her ears, Elysia. Interesting name, definately well suited to the other wolf, who had a beautiful coat and unique eyes. The side of her neck met with the other fae's teeth, resulting in a bark of surprise from the hellish looking fae. Before she could return the favour, Ely bounded off. The gladatrix growled playfully, wagging her tail and making mock charges towards the shore. All that remained was single stride of water between Udosa and the shore.

Bi coloured orbs watched the light brown damsel trip over her feet, and go tumbling into the sand below her. Falling end over end, the other wolf landed on her back. A dazed look remained on her face while she looked at the sky, making Udosa giggle quietly. Approaching silently, she lowered her cranium towards the other she wolf's head. Suddenly, the other wolf rolled onto her belly, shaking her head and grinning at Udosa abashedly.

The dark pelted warrior of a woman leapt into the air and landed right in front of the other wolf, noses almost touching. Her lips curled upwards in a smile to reveal her massive ivory teeth, a stark contrast to her dark face. Lunging forward, she gently shoved at the tan wolf's side with her shoulder, making an attempt to knock her over, before leaping a distance away to turn towards her again and wait.