
Weapon for Hire


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-25-2019, 12:34 AM

A familiar scent had crossed his path while he was patrolling the eastern edge of the Antiox. Crimsong gaze narrowed and his lip lifted in a silent snarl as the breeze threw the scent in his face. Another polar bear? He supposed it wouldn't be uncommon considering they lived in the North. He had already had to kill one for attacking Heloise, he'd be damned if he let another one get close enough to get to those who couldn't fight. The pups. Yurei. Heloise...though he knew she'd fight without question, he would not let her risk anything now that she was pregnant. Without hesitation, he slid past the borderline and sought out the source of the smell. On the way, he saw the bears tracks and he cautiously followed them. He was on his own. He knew Polar bears could be dangerous if he fought alone, but the pack was close enough he could call if he needed help and he knew they'd come.

His companions weren't with him and he was unarmed save for his own claws and teeth. Even his armor sat in the den he had on the ship since he had only planned on doing a patrol. But he half wished he had brought it with him. But...he had fought bears before way before he had his battle tools. And he would do it again if need be. The scent grew stronger and he hurried his pace until he heard claws clacking against the stone in the wash. He moved until he stood at the top of the bank, gazing down to find it. It appeared...young...though he couldn't say for sure as they all more or less looked the same in size to him. "You've come to try and take revenge for your fallen kin, hm?" Of course, he was talking about the angry bear that had trespassed into pack lands not too long ago. And he assumed this bear was associated with that one.
