
better, stronger, faster... smarter?

ft sirius


08-25-2019, 04:53 PM
he didn't know this was what Ma considered a buddy of her's. if Dutch was here, she'd be chatting to him and then Godbrand couldn't speak to the big wolf. adults. pfft. always talking about something stupid. he leapt at the man as he lowered his head, latching onto his big ear and knawing on it. big mistake, buddy! his little pup squeaks were heard through his attack. though his small baby teeth were probably nothing to him, Godbrand felt a sense of accomplishment all the same. he wanted to call for his siblings and they could launch an attack on this tree trunk of a wolf, but part of him still wanted to roam alone for a bit.

"mmm...pfft!" he spat out the guy's ear as he was spoken to. he tasted too funny anyway. take on big wolves? how? this one was so big he was sure he was gonna lose, no matter what he tried to do. Bran stepped back, eyes wide and looking him up and (more up) down. "I dunno..." he admitted easily enough, landing on his butt with a comedic cock of his head. his eyes strayed to the vulture before back at the big wolf. "ma...maybe I can... hrmm... no-o-o" his brows squinted. every scenario he thought of was easily replaced with a bad idea. "tell me! tell me!" if the guy brought it up, he must know!
