
what's left of me


07-23-2013, 08:08 PM

It would be the first time he left Seracia as anything but its King. An ear twitched backward as he tried to decide upon a destination. Jupiter had been on his mind for quite some time - what with her new litter and intentions to go after the vagabond Kaios. He supposed it was only right that he seek her out on his first day away from the Kingdom, and see how his friend fared. He'd been near enough to hear the call that she'd issued, the one that would bring the vagabond into the battlefield hopefully for the last time. Rumors were thick about Kaios and his strength, and Gerhardt was mildly concerned that he might be going to visit a friend that couldn't be found on this earth any longer. If Jupiter had lost though, surely he'd have heard of it? Diplomatic ties were strong between Ludicael and Seracia, and the former-King should have been informed had her death come all too soon. With this line of reasoning, Gerhardt was sure that he wasn't going to be attending a graveside on this day.

He strolled toward Ludicael with naught a spring in his step. His tail hung limp, bouncing occasionally between his hocks due to his bumpy stride. His ears lay at a comfortable and relaxed angle, neither tilted forward with interest or tapered back in displeasure. The sparkle that once accompanied his amethyst stare was all but gone after the death of his former lover: Adette. Not a smile or simper crossed his lips, nothing more than a vacant expression. The King had lost some of his fervor in the recent battle, and it had taken whatever he'd had left to relinquish his power over his Kingdom. He knew it had been the right decision, but that didn't mean it had been in any way easy.

A sigh crossed his lips as he came to the borders of Ludicael, hardly minding them for more than a moment before strolling across them with ease. Last he'd checked, he had an open invitation in the mangrove. Besides, he hardly felt as if Jupiter would be displeased with his company for a short while. Cranium tilted upward as a long - rather morose compared to usual - howl echoed from his cavernous chest. The melody lilted into the air, beckoning forth no one but the Sol, though if the came he wouldn't refuse them. Robin fluttered above him, alighting in a nearby mangrove. You needn't follow me everywhere, Robin. The bird clicked her beak. I do what I believe to be necessary. Amethyst eyes rolled as he rocked onto his haunches, barely a few yards inside the territory. He would let the Sol do the rest of the walking, if she had time for visitors.

speech speech speech