
my, what nice tushes you have (Kai sale)



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
08-26-2019, 09:32 AM
Kai wasn't quite sure what to expect. He was still and silent, as first Acere stepped up his bid, then so did Ashmedai. He wondered just how much they'd pay for him - and weirdly, some of his anger was slowly slipping away - though he knew surely he was worth more than pelts and wine. He hadn't expected anyone else to show up, though, but Chaos caught his attention as he sauntered toward the group, and Kai raised a slow brow in question. His bid seemed even more impressive, and for a moment he almost cracked a grin.. but the creeping knowledge that he was still being bid on as a fucking slave seemed to dampen any hint of amusement that he had left in him.

They continued on, bidding and bidding and trying to one-up each other, almost to a comical degree. It was hard to detach himself from his current situation, but if he was able to, he could've found humor in all of this. Was he really worth all this? To himself, he was, but what would whoever purchased him expect? If they expected nothing, he wouldn't disappoint them in the least. He remembered meeting free-spirited Chaos, and wondered if he was just doing him a favor; was he so selfless? Or did he have other intentions? He wondered the same for Ashmedai, who'd seemed just as reckless as him, if not more-so. Even Acere's intentions were questionable. He'd been enraged to find he'd trespassed - would he really spend so many resources on him for Ty? Or was he looking to punish him?

And then came a blue-furred woman - who was apparently part of Abaven, judging by Chaos's response. Her purpose for bidding was even less clear. If she was so opposed to slavers, would paying wolves who engaged in this sort of thing really help - or would any resources she gave them only further their cause? He sneered at the thought, wishing he could just break free now while everyone was bickering and showing off their hypothetical goods, but he knew trying would be fruitless.

Chaos and Acere seemed to be at a crossroads, and his eyes widened as he listened. Acere was now offering up services of members of his own pack and Kai once again hoped Acere didn't expect his own service in return. None of them were obligated to free him, he'd gotten into this mess on his own.. and he certainly wasn't going to feel guilted into repaying them unless he damn well felt like it. And truth be told, he wasn't sure what he'd feel like doing after he was free.

...Acere had won his freedom. His mind had strayed, and the next thing he knew Valkyrie was instructing him to return in three days with his payment. Did he even HAVE what he'd offered? Or would he spend three days feverishly working to gather it all? The thought earned a twitch of his lips, though he was still very much scowling. Even at Ty, watching as he shrugged off his cloak and laid it at Valkyrie's paws. He merely nodded, still silent, at his farewell - wondering just what was in store for him once Acere came to fetch him in three days.