A Man Who Pays His Bills on Time is Soon Forgotten
Emergency Meeting [select members]
Expert Fighter (205)
Expert Hunter (180)
11 Years
Dragon Mod
His brother and uncle were back from the Market. Cloud had gone with them, but had returned not long afterwards. He was surprised to hear a summoning call for him and a few others, the Wreckage Male wondering what the business might be. Perhaps it had something to do with the market...maybe something had happened and Ace was calling them to tell them how it went. Bi-colored gaze searched the sky and he let out a call for his companion before setting out to gather with the others. It didn't take him long to get there, and when he did he saw both his uncle and his brother looked...not happy. Brows furrowed as he approached his brothers side, pressing his shoulder against Ty's in silent comfort. He looked at him for a moment before pressing his nose into the fur of his brothers neck. Whatever Ty was dealing with, he didn't have to deal with it alone. He waited then to hear the news, though like the others, he didn't expect it to be good news...