
Falling Petals

Elysia I


07-23-2013, 09:44 PM
She had ran, pale paws nothing but a blur moving at a speed only a wolf in fear could go at. Sea foam green eyes wide and stricken. Nose flared taking great huffs to fill her rather large lungs. It was no doubt this wolf was made for running, she didn?t even seemed phased by the long travel spent running. She needed to go back, find Demonio, find safety. But where was that? Where was her adopted father? The earthen colored creature would continue her running till the sun began to set. Stopping was not on her mind, but it would seem her paws had another idea. Tripping she went falling to land in a heap among tons of wild flowers. Heart hammered in her chest.

Where would she go? It seemed that male she meant wanted her, in a way that frightened her. Eyes closed tightly wishing she was not alone. Where was her family? Demonio? Knight? Someone she knew. She felt so alone and scared. The weight of depression crashed over her like waves ramming into the rocks during a storm. Sitting up, her back hunched over, ears flat against her skull. It tore at her, eating her day by day in not find her family. Her mother, her brother. Would they gone from her forever? Was she the only to survive the winter storm? Why?! How cruel could life be to have her live but not her family?! Lips pulled back in a snarl of anger. Head suddenly threw back, a howl erupted from deep in her chest. Every note sang out her fear, her failure, hurt, and loneliness. She didn?t care if Dragomir heard her now. She felt as if she had nothing left in her. Nearly a whole season of spring she had searched to not find them. It had been to long, there was no hope left. She howled out her song, a song meant to mourn those she had lost. It was soft, but sharp with emotion.

Body flopped down on it's side as the song of grief finished. Nothing..nothing was left. She felt hollow, no more spark of life, endless energy fueling every action, no more glow to her sea foam green eyes. Nothing. She had lost them. Nothing could ever give that back to her, nothing would ever soothe the pain. Not ever the beauty of the land she laid in, surrounded by flowers, that would normally have had her attention. Elysia Kyra would be nothing but an empty shell.