
lay me down on a bed of roses


07-23-2013, 10:58 PM
It was a solemn day, though the mood seemed oddly fitting for the solemn sound that slid from the kings lips. He was moving as soon as the sound was made, in Sercia thankfully for the sound. He had been getting to know the other packs recently so had been in and out of packlands. But since returning from the once Glaciem he had been waiting for Gerhardt's return. He supposed he could have told Maverick but he had barely seen the man since the wedding. So at the call the golden man took off at a swift pace, a long legged lope bringing him upon the rather dark scene. Gerhardt sat beside what looked like a freshly dug grave covered in blood.

Who had died?

Head would lift slowly as he walked forward, head dipping eloquently to the side to greet the man and then a nod to Maverick and a smile flashed at Epiphron. He still had to speak to her, she was a beauty for sure but did she have a good enough of a head on her shoulders to one day lead them? Not that he doubted her, or did he question Gerhardt's choice for his son but it would be nice to meet her and see for himself. But that was thought for a later time... "Are you wounded my king?" he asked softly, concern evident on his features as he tried to give the male a quick once over. He looked at Loccien questioningly, had she already asked the same question. Little thought was given to the grave, unless Gerhardt turned around and told them that a pack member had been murdered little thought would be given to it at all. Their king was just and true, there was no way he could have done any wrong.