
There's a rumble in the floor


Dominus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Critical Hit!
08-26-2019, 06:25 PM

'You've got some fucking balls, don't you?' His lips pulled back to reveal the blue of his gums as he grinned in response to her words, having become highly amused by them. Her language alone was enough to make him feel at home around her, but the context tickled him to the core.

"Oh, wow. You can sex your peers. Boreas isn't ready for your talent, I'll tell you that." Though the thunder rumbled again during the downpour, his voice was raised above that to ensure she could hear his jesting. She hurried him and he complied like a good dog, taking off in a quickened trot. She really didn't need to tell him, he wanted out of this rain. He hated getting it in his ears, but he equally hated having to hold them down and being deafened so he ran with her on his way North down the coast.

She expressed how she didn't care about being found by the Empire, and he found himself silently wondering what all she had been through up until their meeting. If she had been nicer, more welcoming, perhaps even slightly friendly... he might have felt open to asking about such a thing, but he figured it better not to pry. He wondered if she needed his help or his protection, but even if she did... would she admit to such a thing? And would she even tell him what it was he was protecting her for, what she did? They didn't even know each other, but she was already managing to worry him and frustrate him. Interesting.

He took her to the mountains that lined the Eastern shore, only ever having viewed them from a distance. He was eager to explore them, though could definitely wait to do so until after the storm passed. If these mountains were anything like those that he grew up in, he knew that their formation often left cracks in their structure- cracks big enough to provide shelter where they could wait out the storm. Only a short distance on their ascension up the stacked sharp rocks did he discover a den opening. It would be impossible to scent anything that had been here recently due to the pouring rain... with a tensed caution, he began to enter the dark of the cave. Almost immediately, the thick musk of a male panther hit his nose like a brick wall. Maybe he wasn't home?

He didn't need to alert the woman in his company, as he moved into the cave he was sure she would be able to detect the same thing he had. If it was in this cave, hopefully, it was far enough away not to notice them... perhaps they could be silent and wait out the storm without any complications? Probably not, but in all honesty.. getting into a fight and witnessing what the girl was capable of seemed kinda fun, too. Maybe then she'd be stuck with him for even longer...? :D

Dominus has a black snake that stalks him. Unless mentioned already by me, it is welcomed to powerplay this snake and allow your character to notice it somewhere in your posts.
Dominus says bad words, he can also be very unstable. All Dominus' threads are mature.