
Falling Petals

Elysia I


07-23-2013, 11:52 PM
She laid there just starying at the pale yellow flower. It's petals weighed down heavily, slowly falling one by one. The every flower expressed just how she was inside. Faintly she was aware of pawsteps rushing towards her, a voice calling out. Some word, maybe a name or something. She didnt care, didnt even bother to listen or move. The woosh of air stirred her fur, but even then her eyes remained on the dying flower. A voice, a whisper, slowly made it's way to her, through her wall and to her heart. Turning her head upwards she saw a dark brown male, those eyes the same as her, staring back at her like a mirror. Muzzle parted in shock. Was this real? Or had her mind collasped under the depression.

Slowly her paw reached out to touch his chest, feeling fur, skin, and warmth. This was no lie, this was real. Amazed she was speechless as she stared up at her brother. Emotions rolled through her like a twister, bring back the life and spark in her eyes. He had made it? They had finally found each other! Suddenly she jumped up, paw stretched out to grab him and tackle him. a high pitched whine emmitted from her. This, this was Kaveh. Her dear sweet brother. All she knew was not gone after all. She would never be alone now! Nothing to fear or hide from. So long as he was here, she would be safe. She just knew it. It felt like she had been missing a body part, lungs, so important, that now she had back and no longer needed to fight to breath. Nose took quick short wiffs of him ,drawing in his familiar scent, memorizing, remembering it all. "Kaveh....oh dear brother!" It was all to could say before she wiggled about, pawing at him, yipping, and jumping around.