
Cats don't dance




11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
08-27-2019, 01:02 PM

I call from his son drew the old giant from his den, blue eyes narrowing as he listened to the call. It sounded like there was trouble of some sort, and he'd not hesitate to answer his sons call. Large paws carried him across the ground, the breeze bringing the scent of his son and...a mountain cat? Hackles bristled as he hurried his pace until he spotted Torin and the would-be intruder already in a tussle. A growl slipped from his throat as he sped up, aiming to come towards the predator like a locomotive. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a reddish streak heading towards it as well, and realized Kairi was on her way to aid her brother. As cocky and as confident as he could be, he was doubtful of his abilities. Blind in one eye and age catching up to him, he was relieved to know that there would be three of them fighting off the attacker. Maybe with that knowledge, the cougar would back off and leave. And if it didn't leave then they'd just have to take its life to send a permanent message to it, and any potential trespassers in the area.

He charged the Cougar, a snarl ripping from his throat just before impact. He used his bulk to slam into the creature, knocking it away and sending it rolling to the ground. He stood there with hackles raised and teeth exposed while the feline did the same. He watched with a single eye as its tail lashed, and despite his effort and three of them there, it seemed to take that as a challenge and did not run off. It cried it's own challenge to them, its gaze moving from one wolf to the other as it debated who to go after. Kairi stood on his right, her own growls added to his. He glanced at Torin for a moment before his gaze lingered back on the cat. "We're just one happy family," He joked. They would fight this thing together to chase it off, or kill it. Whatever the cat preferred though perhaps it was the latter. He would have no problem killing it. After all, it would mean one less threat to his grandchildren. "Ready?" Without waiting for an answer, he charged at the cat head on to try and keep its focus on him more than on his kids.

WC: 404


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