
Tea Time!



3 Years

Trick 2019Promptober 2019
08-27-2019, 01:58 PM

Bolla was out of twine so she settled for using sinew instead to string up the valerian root. It was useful and reasonably strong but it still felt a bit weird to her to hang the herbs up with parts from other animals. It was a small price though for the protection of a pack. She'd work, get fed and have a nice place to shelter. She kept mostly to herself, looking up on occasion but not worrying to much about what the wolves were discussing. She had a job to do here.

Chrysanthos tilted his head to the side as he tried to gauge the man's reaction. He almost seemed hurt. Chrys thought the news that he would be free to go, free to chart his own course would ultimately be exciting. He assumed the man would want to get out as soon as possible since he'd originally seemed so wary of the risk of being a prisoner. It was true the world was vast and scary but surely it offered many opportunities.

I was never given a choice.

Chrys tried to smile reassuringly. "Well, now you have one. The world is open to you, wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do. All you need is to figure that out." Thaddeus didn't look so sure and instead decided to head back to the den site. Well, at least he was thinking for himself but Chrysanthos couldn't help but feel he'd crossed some line somewhere. He bounded after Thaddeus.

"Wait, Thaddeus. I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I've said something wrong. Just give it some thought, I'm sure something will come to you."

-delay exit for one post-