A Bit of Downtime
08-27-2019, 02:03 PM
I'll tough it out, I won't give in
Álarr bent his head to examine the dried balm that he'd crushed, trying to decide if it was going to be fine enough or if he should mash it a bit more. He opted to go ahead and continue crushing it up just a little bit more. Too fine and the particles wouldn't settle to the bottom and a patient could choke. He glanced over at Niamh's progress. "Looking good! Maybe a wee bit smaller. Then to carrying it you can wrap it up in hide. Just a minute." Álarr reached into his back and pulled out two small pieces of rabbit skin and then very, very carefully scooped the herb onto one piece of rabbit skin and wrapped it up. He was running out of jars and containers. He'd either need to find some or find a better way of making them. He knew how to make ceramic ones but they tended to break in his pack and he didn't know how to make sealable containers with them. Besides it didn't look like Niamh had any jars or anything anyway. He set the other piece of rabbit hide down next to her.
The girl began to write in the dirt again and Álarr look to Afi for the translation. "She's asking about healing little animals and non-wolf companions." Álarr glanced at the girl. The question was quite vague and of course she would ask the one thing he didn't know as much about having focused primarily on wolves. He felt a bit of guilt at her question. Afi and Brynhildr had taught him so much about healing wolves but he didn't know that much about how to heal them. Though some things did transfer over. "It's similar. Like the same thing you might do for a cut on a wolf you'd do for them. If you give them anything to take internally though, like to drink, it'll have to be a much smaller dose. In the case of a cat like Afi… maybe a similar dose as you would for a pup. Is there a particular kind of hurt, like wounds or something you want to know about?"