

skill prompt



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Hunter (30)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

9 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
08-27-2019, 11:28 PM

Today was a day he'd be spending with his sister. Legion was great and all, but like her, he was itching to do something. He sniffed as he walked alongside her, the astral pair making their way to the Orchard where plenty of fallen fruit lay on the ground and likely plenty of prey eating it up. He glanced around, noting the scents and sounds around them. Yep, definitely plenty of prey around and he could hear the faint steps as they skittered away from the pair as they drew close. His sister had asked what he wanted to go after, and he slowed just a bit before stabbing an apple with one long fang, tossing his head back, and letting it fall into his mouth. He chewed with his mouth open, gaze thoughtful as he chomped away with as little grace as possible. When he swallowed, he smacked his lips and ended it with an "aahh" before grinning at her. "Well, we have plenty of options. The world is our oyster and I plan on scraping out every scrap I can." With that being said, he lifted his head to taste the air, a bit of apple juice dribbling down his chin as he smelled their surroundings. His nose was pretty keen, maybe there was something around they could hunt or...yeah, eating sounded good.

Were he a character in metal gear solid, the exclamation point complete with sound effect would have gone off as his head snapped forward. He smelled something...good. Something delicious. Something perhaps worth tracking down and eating. "I smell a piggy," His tongue swiped hungrily at his lips as he turned his body to pinpoint the direction. "That way I think," Already he could feel his stomach rumble at the thought of eating a nice, fat, pig. Maybe they could even stuff it with the fruit around here and make a big juicy meal out of it. "Say sis, why don't you climb into one of the trees and see if you can spot it? I'd do it but uh, ya know." He didn't have funky cat claws like she did. And he couldn't exactly stab a tree to help him climb up with his large size and bulk. If he could, he'd probably be all over those trees and shaking down the best fruits. Or ambushing unsuspecting pack members to pull a prank. The possibilities of what he could do if he had paws like hers were endless, and it amused him immensely the more he thought about it.

WC: 424
