
The day of the hunter

fighting Prompt



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
08-28-2019, 10:33 AM

The scent of her sister drew the Angel forth. She hadn't really spent much time with Hela since she'd been too busy brooding over the way the Klein pack was being run. It was not their father's pack, that much was certain. Eyes of black and rose narrowed as her tail lashed irritably at her hocks, the babe attempting to calm the twitching of her lip everytime she thought about. Something needed to change. The spirits demanded it. What that was, however, was unclear. They weren't being direct with her and instead chose to assault her with a cacophony of noise. Her ears flattened against her head as they screamed. She'd take matters into her own paws if they'd just shut up and tell her what they wanted... but for now, she would just have to put up with their loud demands whether she liked it or not. Gods only knew what they wanted, and she usually did too when they weren't bantering like small children over a bone. The babe heaved a heavy sigh before the wind shifted, bringing her the scent of something that did not belong. She had half a mind to ignore it, maybe the creature could eat that fanatics pups...but the slightly better part of her decided that no. It wasn't their fault.

She stalked forward through the foliage, her small bodice easily concealed and there near the borders, a mountain lion sniffing around. Was it looking for an easy meal? It was likely it smelled the pups that caused their numbers to rise so quickly. She eyed the beast, the priestess simply watching it to see if it would take the chance to trespass. Her sister was nearly forgotten before a bit of movement caught her eye. Not too far from her she saw Hela watching the beast as well. With as much silence as she could, she slipped away from her position. Quietly. Slowly. Careful not to draw the cat's eye as she slunk over to where her sister hid. "What do you think? Should we chase it off?" She asked quietly, eyes never leaving the beast in question.

WC: 356
"Can you see me?"