
Let me be the devil on your shoulder


07-24-2013, 11:11 AM

The dead of night was still, no movement of small night creatures, no wind, no cricket songs filling the warm air. Everything seemed to be closed off from the world, preparing itself for some evil haunting the night, about to explode and release its demons into the innocent world. Or some terrible void sucking the life blood from the innocent inhabitants. Only one shadow moved under the moonless sky, a dark form moving leisurely through the brush. A wolf the shape seem to form before melting back into the lookings of a monster with horns and teeth, and what ever else the imagination of the fearful could concoct. With eyes shining in the night, glowing like demon's fire, the shadow quickened it's pace, till it suddenly burst forth and squeals of a small pink piglet broke the silence with agony. Soon laughter rolled around the trees, dark and sinister, deep and alluring as well is fear-sticking and repulsive, as the squeals turned into screams and still continued for a retched amount of time before finally the poor creature died of its wounds and fright. If one drew close to the noise, they would smell the thick, sickly scent of blood, see it smeared across the trunks of trees and dragged along the ground. If the same being looked even closer, they would see bits of the pig's flesh, torn horrendously from the poor beast, hanging from low hanging branches and swaying on small brush stems.
And in the middle of the clearing, slurps, cracking of bones, flesh tearing under sharp fangs, and still the soft chuckle of the demented danced in the break of the trees, like some barbaric song. The soft light of the stars, shone off of the thick black coat of the wolf, his eyes shining into the night like white orbs of magic, and his, white banded ears occasional flicking in his sweet pleasure, while his white ivories flashed as they snapped bone into two. But something caught the attention of the beast as his jaws broke the bone in his paws with a sickle crunch. The scent of another wolf flew vaguely over the wondrous scent of fresh blood. The laughter rumbled again, deep in his chest as his deep seductive voice said into the night "My, my my, seems like a visitor has joined my lovely feast in the middle of the dark moon." The monster cast his star-lit white orbs around the clearing waiting for his next play thing to show itself.

P.S- When it all goes down... I'll be there waiting...
Love Zalin-

For Raii, when she get a chance to post =)