
[CLOSED] Helcere Pups!

all adopted!



4 Years
Extra small

Treat 2019Christmas 2019Promptober 2019
08-28-2019, 08:35 PM
OOC name; xarae
Pup’s Name; Lumi cel Mare
Gender; female
Alignment; Lawful Good
Measurements; 30", light

Appearance; #14
Although she was taken perfect care of after birth, Lumi's little ears never quite stood up. The cartilage there is just too weak to support the typical fluted ears of a grown wolf; instead, they will remain folded like a jovial dog. Her base coat is a pure white like both of her parents, but unlike them, she is also missing a tail. While some wolves sport a docked tail or small nub, Lumi simply doesn't seem to have a tailbone at all. Her rump is smooth and furry with not a tail to speak of. Altogether, these features will make her forever seem a little bit younger than her years, even as an adult. Spots of slate grey merle dot her body, particularly over her right eye and shoulders. The same merle is also found on her front left leg as a higher sock marking.

Her eyes are mismatched with the left eye being blue and right eye yellow. Lumi's nose is a soft pink color, often inflamed to a darker reddish color due to the cold. Luckily, she is well-suited to the winter climate. Having grown up in the north, her fur is thick and pillowy, particularly the feathering around her rump. Lumi's paws are larger than average with extra feathering between her toes, making her an excellent snow trekker.

Personality; Lumi is a complete mommy's girl. She is a soft-hearted, soft-spoken little pup that looks up to Heloise's striking and dutiful presence. It is likely that she will have trouble standing up for herself as she grows up. Her well-meaning nature makes her a bit of a pushover at times, not to mention easily manipulated by others. If she believes that she is helping someone else, Lumi will go to great lengths to make sure that whatever task is at hand gets completed. She is easily susceptible to praise and compliments, a true people-pleaser from the tips of her ears to the bottom of her paws.

While she may be pliable, her morals are anything but. This girl has a very firm belief in "right" and "wrong." Lumi has a bonafide aversion to wolves that she believes to be selfish or have dubious motives. When she grows up, she wants to be placed in a position where she can protect Winterfell and her family. She is a true northerner with a strong affection for the colder climate. Along with this reverence for her homeland comes a very particular respect for the creatures that live there. Lumi becomes easily attached to wild creatures and, when hunting, makes sure that every kill is given an honorable death.

Plans; Fighting/Healing
* aims to be Lord Commander/King's Guard/defensive fighter rank
* strong connection to the land & its creatures, would likely have a small menagerie
* possibly a high ranking healer instead with strong fighting capabilities/battle medic of sorts

Cost; pup pass will be covered
RP Sample; Lumi watched the fox gracefully over the thick crust of ice that hard formed overnight on the snowdrifts. She liked how the landscape always seemed to remake itself overnight. Every time she slept, the world was brand new. Carefully, the much smaller predator crept across the tundra. The pup moved behind it at a leisurely pace. She had been observing it for a few hours now without interruption. Watching the other northern inhabitants was one of her favorite past times. They all shared this bitterly cold area together and Lumi was sure that they could teach her something important. In the distance, she heard her mother call for all of her children. She stared after her friend-from-a-distance mournfully, but dutifully turned to race back towards the dulcet tones of Heloise's voice.

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