
Stop beatin' around the bush



11 Years
Athena I
07-24-2013, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2013, 04:26 PM by Alena.)

The ivory fea's ears flicked with irritation, her violet eyes gazing out over the steaming pools of water around her. She had been restless, wandering farther and farther from her new pack lands. Ever since her heat had taken over her she had been itching to keep moving and traveling. It had been awful timing on her part, joining a pack right as it rolled into spring. Amenti was only turning into a target for her annoyance and she had given up on just waiting it out there. She had been wandering for days, refusing to go back to Medusa and the others till she had calmed down. She let out a heavy sigh, her tail flicking as she padded quietly in between two of the smaller pools in the hot spring.

Pausing, she leaned her head down to the water and sniffed it gently. The slight taint in the water stung her nose, but she didn't figure it would be harmful if she were just to soak in it for a bit. She had seen wolves around here before as she was passing by and they had been lounging in it so she didn't see the problem. She walked over to one of the many pools that seemed a little more on the shallow side and slowly walked into the middle of the pool. The water came up just past her stomach while she was standing and when she sat down she was submerged almost up to her shoulders. She sighed contently, letting the warm water loosen her muscles and relax her.

The water did nothing for the irritation her heat brought to her though. If anything, she just felt like she was burning up now. Boiling even. She tried her best to ignore it, but it was no use. Sitting still seemed to only make it worse. With a soft growl in her chest, Alena stood and padded out of the water, shaking off as much of it as she could once she was on the pearlescent shore once again. Her wet fur pressed to her body when she stopped, only her head and the thick fur of her scruff remaining dry. She glanced around again, her amethyst-hued eyes looking for anyone or anything that could take her mind off of her situation.
