
Falling Petals


07-24-2013, 03:24 PM
Kaveh Kyra

He didn't believe it. He couldn't. He had to be imagining this, she couldn't be in front of him right now. After all this time, after all his searching... She had finally come back into his life. He watched as she reached out with a single paw toward his chest, like she couldn't believe he was there either. The world came rushing back into time when he felt her paw on his chest, finally realizing that she was really, truly there. A huge smile broke across his muzzle and his tail waved furiously behind him, unable to contain the sheer joy that warmed his soul. He hadn't been this happy, this relieved in so long. Ever since the moment that he had realized that he had been separated from his family he had been trudging through this depression. Now everything felt right again, he felt whole now that he was with his sister again and could see that she was alive and well.

He yelped as she tackled him, nearly knocking the larger wolf over. He couldn't sit still, he was so overwhelmed with happiness. The sound of her voice was like the sweetest thing he had ever heard. "Sister!" was all he managed in reply before he dissolved into the same yipping and jumping as his sister. His paws never stopped moving, making him hop in place with excitement. He could have cried with relief at finally finding her. After several moments of this excitement he pulled her to him, wrapping his head around her neck to hug her tight, just enjoying the fact that he wasn't alone in the world any more. When he pulled back, he looked at her more closely, making sure she wasn't hurt in any way. "Where have you been? Are you okay? How are you?"
