
Kings and Vagabonds



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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
08-31-2019, 10:59 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2019, 11:00 PM by Paradise.)

"Nothing you need to worry yourself with." He stated. She frowned for a brief moment, though she didn't press him to talk if he didn't want to right now. She felt his paw over hers, causing her frown to disappear quite rapidly. He leaned into her, the softest of sounds coming from him and she reached to press her head beneath his chin. "We are all guilty of keeping thoughts like that, " Herself included. He didn't know much about her past but...there wasn't much to tell. She had been abandoned and she had wasted seasons of her life waiting for them to come back. But they never did. "I'll always be here for you, Tyranis. Just as you've been there for me when nobody else was." He and their kids were the only true family she had now. Her blood family were now long forgotten, and they no longer deserved to be called her family after they abandoned her. Part of her was afraid Ty would have done the same by now, but he hadn't. She didn't want to dwell on those thoughts, and instead focused on the here and now. "And our three beautiful children will be here for you as well," She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before backing up a pace and stood. "Come, walk with me,"

They wouldn't make it far before she scented something strange. Molten gaze turned to find dark clouds in the distance, and all too quickly they had descended upon the land. The temperature quickly dropped, and the storm was on them faster than she could think. A flurry of rain and snow whipped around them for a moment before it passed before she could react. But then a stronger storm hit more seconds after. Wind drove up the snow and rain pelted down on her, a fierce blizzard sweeping up around them. "Tyranis!" She cried out as his form was lost in the driving storm. She couldn't see far ahead of her, so she hunkered down as close to the ground as she could, eyes closed tightly as the storm whipped around her.

It seemed, however, that the second storm wouldn't last long, either. It broke away, passing over them before giving way to a clear sky but the temperature remained frigid. She was covered in snow and ice, body shivering from the wintry assault. She looked up to Tyranis as he stood over her, her ears flattened from the storm and her fur ruffled. "A-are you alright?" She worried for him more than for herself. She was cold, but unharmed for the most part. "Wh-what was that?" Having never lived in the North before joining Winterfell, she had never experienced a storm like that before. She wondered if it had hit pack lands...she was sure that if it had, Cloud would have gotten her children to the den where it was safe.

"Talk" "You" Think
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