
hey bro cool story bro

ft gimli, seasonal prompt



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (175)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

7 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship1KIce Bridge ExplorerChristmas 2019Treat 2019
09-01-2019, 12:18 AM
He heard his brothers battle cry before he charged in at the cat. Gimli grinned, stance ready for another assault while he let Godbrand get in a few good whacks. "Ahh nice te see ye join the fray Godbrand! Give 'em a good smack! A left an' a right!" He cheered him on, wincing slightly as the cat smacked his brother back. Godbrand was bigger than him, but despite their size the cat looked bigger still. That wouldn't put Gimli down! He was more than eager to fight someone bigger! He was going to be the best damn warrior the world had ever seen! Tearing his enemies down and renting them asunder! Starting with this cat! He would wait for the opportune moment to attack, allowing his sibling to tire the cat out before he would decide to join in. He observed first how the feline fought and how his brother fought, it would do well to show him their fighting styles respectively so that one day when he and his brother went at it, he'd know all his brothers tricks and the like.

Finally, when it seemed the cat was getting tired, Gimli let loose another battle cry and charged at the little beast. "Aarrghh! Ye think ye can best the Ahlberg brothers!? Nay foul beast! Ah may be small but ah'm the best warrior the world has ever seen mark me words!" He would boast as he charged towards the feline. He'd show this cat what for and he'd give him hell for starting a fight with them. No creature would be able to best thr dwarf in combat and he'd keep true to his promise of being the best damn warrior anyone had ever seen! "Aaaarrhhh!" He cried out as he charged, head down as he headbutted the cat square in the face! A yowl of pain sounded from the cat, and Gimli hardly felt a thing when his hard head made contact.

The cat went flying backward and landed with a thud, but the dwarf child wasn't done yet! He continued his assault, charging forward like a raging bull as he headbutted the cat again and again, sending it rolling around the ground like a bowling ball as he sought to keep it from getting to its feet. The cat lashed back, smacking Gimli on his lower jaw but its claws would get tangled in the mess of fur that grew longer there. His head was jerked downward but it didn't deter the child. Instead, he used the opportunity to wrap his jaws around the cats paw, sharp pointed teeth digging into the tender flesh of the cats paw pads. The other paw swiped at his ear, nicking the tip and caused Gimli to wince but he would not release his grip on the cats paw. He twisted and shook what he had in his mouth, batting at the cats head with his own paws before leaping forward and stomping on it, driving the air from the cats lungs as his feet made contact with the beasts stomach.

The cat wrenched its paw from his grip, wriggling around until it managed to get to its feet and darted off into the trees. Gimli made a victory cry, a loud bellow as he shouted at the cats retreat. "An' don't ye come back here little beast or we'll finish what was started aye! Mark me words! You ain't seen the last 'o the Ahlberg brothers!" He bounced in place before returning to his brothers side, a wild grin spreading his jaws as he wagged his tail. "Aye we did it Godbrand! We chased away the little monster and all is well now! Ye certainly have it a good fight ye did!" He praised his brother, offering a lick to his cheek before looking back to where the cat had taken off to.