
The day of the hunter

fighting Prompt



Advanced Fighter (100)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

11 Years
Dragon Mod

Trick 2019
09-01-2019, 12:38 AM
"I like your style of thinking, Hela. The parts could be useful. Besides, a proud creature such as that would make us even prouder to wear." She grinned a wicked grin. "Let us take its life and show it the true power of the Kleins!" Without another word she charged from the bushes and aimed a surprise attack at the feline beast. The priestess threw her shoulder forward, aiming to slam it into the cougars hock and forcing its leg to buckle. It had been too slow to react to her assault and as soon as it had turned around to retaliate, the priestess was already out of range. She snarled at the beast, her bi-colored gaze cold and calculating as she danced on her feet. She was as graceful in battle as she was when she wasn't in a fight, and she'd show this thing the power and beauty of a real Klein.

As Hela came in for her own charge, Pandora would keep her own assault up. She didn't care which of the two made the killing blow as long as the beast fell before it managed to slip away from them. With Hela's distraction, Pandora swooped in again, teeth grabbing the hind leg she had previously injured and used her weight to drag it out and unbalance the beast. With an assault on both ends, it has trouble deciding which ti attack. And with its leg in Pandora's mouth, it couldn't quite keep its balance which made it difficult for it to reach her.

She wasn't doing this to protect those God forsaken pups or anyone else in the pack, really. She saw an opportunity to gain something from this encounter and she intended to get it. The knives Hela thought to use for knives was indeed a good idea, and the pelt would be useful as well. She held no remorse for creatures like this and much less for those she did not respect nor trust. It seemed half of the Ashen Empire was on that side of hers but she didn't care. The babe shook her head as viciously as she could, jaws clamping harder until she heard bone break and blood flood her mouth. The cougar cried in pain as it finally twisted enough to reach her. She danced away, years of practiced fighting earning her the speed she often used to her advantage. The cougar stood there, a hind leg dangling uselessly as it tried to figure out whether to flee, or to continue fighting.

Pandora would not give it the opportunity to flee, however. And she charged again only this time, she got hold of the other leg and dragged that one out, bringing the beast to the ground. With its other hind leg broken and this one in her grasp, it was unable to regain its footing and instead sought to swipe at the two sisters from the ground. A snarl sounded from Pandora, a message to Hela to finish the job.

WC: 498