
hey bro cool story bro

ft gimli, seasonal prompt


09-01-2019, 10:15 AM
Gimli had more of a penance for fighting than Godbrand's weaker attempts earlier. it was only when he was backed by his brother did his fighting spirit really shine. he was a bit jealous, not gonna lie, that his littlest sibling could be so brave. he was supposed to be the big brother, and here he was being rescued by this tiny pup. Godbrand had whimpered and recoiled at the pain - he knew he had a long way to go before he felt ready for a fight again. though stubbornnes ran in the family; he'd probably pick a fight down the line quite soon. trying to make himself tougher than he felt.

as his brother finished off the cat and it fled, Godbrand mimicked the spitting of the feline and bounced on his paws. "yeah! yeah, you better run!" he howled after the feline, still uncertain what it had even been but not caring the least. they'd have a good story to tell their Ma and sister though! except his ears pressed against his head when he realized the fit Ma would get at their bloody faces and bodies. shit, he didn't stop to think about that. Gimli's tongue rasped his cheek where the scratches were, and he felt renewed stinging. but the boost to his ego caused him to puff out his chest. "yeah! we're the best."

though one day he wanted to be the best. him. singular. "let's go find Beryl and tell her! we saved her butt, chasing that monster away!" he sneered before darting off.


1500/1500 words