
revelations revelations, 21:8 21:8



4 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze Participant
09-01-2019, 01:30 PM
Archon felt no guilt. No residue of of should have or shouldn't have in his mind. Maybe it was just out of spite, or maybe it was just to justify his own actions. A twinge of smile threatened to sneak on Archon's face, but he quelled it. A shallow, but hot anger laced over his skin.

"I'm sorry, but our father taught us more about warring than just hoping that the mortals will take note. They, too, are training. The initial impact of the Abraxas was good, but your follow through lacking. Yes, the next generation of Abraxas are nearly ready, but all those who initially went and spoke of God before you reigned them in after our father left gave the mortals just enough reason to ready their own brood as well- and they out number you."

Archon narrowed his own eyes, before casting a glance around the base of the mountain. There were many packs below, and Archon doubted any of them truly feared the Abraxas.

"You think the mortals there have taken your 'seedlings' to heart? I've met many Abraxas at festivals and events and all have been lovely and cordial and sweet," he said with a light smile. They had all been so well behaved. Perfect little puppy pets. "The only seeds the Abraxas have been spreading is through their mortal shells into willing wombs. Is that what father taught us? To squander our own lives, hiding behind a pack until out children are old enough to do God's bidding? Is that the foundation he laid for us?"

Archon tsked. Their father had left far too soon. There had still been so much to be done. So much that Malleus had ignored in order to play big leader of a big pack on his own land where the mortals wouldn't bother him.

"You would have to start again regardless, Malleus, because the mortals would have all but forgotten you in the time you've been hiding on your own little island. They've been making alliances, bonding, and any mention of the Abraxas left is from our first endeavor with our Father." he rumbled. "But sure, I guess the youth can be the ones to fix that."