
[INTEREST CHECK] the Wayfarer Band v2



3 Years
09-01-2019, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 10-04-2019, 09:09 AM by Willoughby.)
The Wayfarer Band

Leader; Willoughby (formally)
Post goals; 50/50 IC posts, 250/250 gems needed for band creation, one/two month activity
Location; currently traveling Boreas, a settlement developed IC and pack status developed IC
Summary; a band of people searching for a home, a place to settle and build families within a close-knit community of like-minded individuals.
Alignment; true neutral with empathis on 'peace' and 'unity'.

Recruits; Serpentine
Interest Parties; Ivy, Laeta, JJ, Toril

Toril Recruitment
Ivy Recruitment
Serpentine Recruitment COMPLETE

Plot; building on the idea of my previous pack focus, the Wayfarers are lone wolves hoping to settle somewhere in Boreas. For some reason or another, they may have left a pack or been loners for a long period of time. But finding no pack to suit them, they seek to create a new one under the promise of unity and acceptance. These wolves are hard workers and put their everything into helping establish themselves in this realm.

Unlike other bands, there is a formal plot or goal to achieve. The journey of the band from wary loners to friendships/comradery to a specific location for settlement. Our goal is to obtain a pack somewhere in Boreas but the quest matters the most. Expect IC seasons to be met with random writing prompts made by everyone involved for some juicy development. It could be a fire, an earthquake, etc. Treat the band like settlers in the west; they don’t know what’s going to happen or where they end up. As such, if you cannot commit to actively RPing with the band this is probably not one for you.

Other Ideals; these wolves want a place to belong and are inclusive of everyone as a result. Though disapproval and disagreements happen, the whole idea of the Wayfarers is to welcome everyone. They may have different pasts and different ways of thinking, but that’s what makes us unique. We are True Neutral and have no interest in the squabbles of other packs and bands. We ally without question to all but place ourselves first. The band comes first. Our ideals and hopes come first. There is a dream to achieve, and if something or someone threatens our peace then we will ask them to leave.

Things to Keep In Mind; there is no formal band ‘leader’ at first. Those following Willoughby seek a home, not an alpha. It could very well be that the group votes for another leader; my character is a formal application for the sake of having a leader. Stuff can change though, so don’t get too attached to her as a bandleader! Every OOC month we will also be moving to another land of Ardent (South, East, etc) to ICly make it believe we are pioneers. So you will be moving your character around the map at least twice an IC season.

Alliances will be made with other packs during this time. We may find refuge in some that are willing to shelter us in exchange for work. But the idea is always the same; we will keep moving until a suitable home/location is made IC. In fact, expect a lot of IC decisions to count toward our plot.