
Part the Waters

Aislyn I


Extra large
07-24-2013, 05:45 PM

At first it seemed like a pretty normal day for the Valhallan beta. She was sound asleep in her den with her daughter Liberty, catching up one some much needed down time. They had been extensively training, and with her old age and her daughters restlessness, they were both pretty wore out. Liberty was pretty big now because next season she would be one year old. She was so proud of her daughter, she had been training so hard to take her place as beta. she was very grateful that the queen had accepted her plans for Liberty, because if the girl would have had to train for no reason, that would have been a disappointment.

Her right ear twitched as an odd sound woke her from a deep sleep. She was still rather drowsy, so she did not bother opening her eyes; instead she listened while she was half way awake. It sounded rather odd, almost like a river, but there was no river in Valhalla. It was raining at the moment, so it must be the rain echoing off of something. The sound became louder, causing her left ear to swivel forward too. "Chrysanthe!" Her head instantly popped up when she heard the screams, and before she could get up to further examine what was going on, water viciously poured into the opening of the den.

The force was very sudden, and before Aislyn could react she was slammed into the very back wall of the den. The impact knocked almost all the air out of her body. Liberty, who had been whisked away too, was rammed straight into her mother, which broke most of the impact force. The impact was still rough for her, but with her mothers cushioning the air in her lungs was spared. Aislyn's legs kicked wildly as she tried to make it to the very top of the den where a small pocked of air was quickly diminishing. She needed air, and she needed it fast. Her instincts kicked in and she grabbed Liberty's scruff between her jaws and pushed against the den floor with all her might. Her body was propelled upward, and with a few more kicks her head surfaced, but her ears were already touching the roof of the den. She gasped for air while holding Liberty's head above the water, but with her child's fur in her mouth, her struggle to stay afloat, and her own need for air she as quickly starting to sink again. She had about a foot or so of air left, and within 30 or so seconds, the air pocket would be gone.

She couldn't do it anymore. With the forceful current coming in from the opening of the den it was hard for her to kick her legs, so keeping her head surfaced took all her strength. "Mom!" Liberty screamed as Aislyn went under again, taking Liberty with her. She was going to drown, there was no way out of this; and if she didn't act fast, her daughter would drown too. Her paws touched the bottom of the den again, and with all her might she pushed up again, bringing them to the surface. Her head hit the dens roof, and she had to tilt her head up so her nose and mouth would be above the water. With her panting and holding Liberty she couldn't stop the water that poured into her mouth. She coughed, trying to get the water out of her lungs, but with her coughing she was forced to release Liberty. "Liberty!" She tried to scream, but water was rapidly filling her mouth and nose. She frantically looked around for her, but she couldn't see her anywhere. Things were starting to fade.

"Mom! Mom I can't keep my head up!" She heard her daughters voice behind her, and she frantically turned her body against the current. Liberty was by what she assumed the entrance of the den, because she could see her being pushed in her direction. "Liberty! You have to go! Now!" She tried to yell over the rain and rush of the current, but her words ended up sounding like a gurgling noise. With only inches of air left, Aislyn knew what she had to do. She had to sacrifice herself for her daughter.

The woman went under again, and as she opened her eyes and looked up she could see the air bubble vanish. Liberty was still up there frantically doggie paddling as she looked for any air pockets. With the last bit of her strength Aislyn pushed herself up again, grabbed Liberty, (by what she did not know) and pushed her upward and toward the entrance of the den. With her push, and Liberty's paddling, Liberty was sucked out of a space at the very top of the den, and pushed away from the current and den, but into deeper waters. At least now she was out of the den; but now Aislyn was stuck, and things were fading fast. She remained under the water, her body being pushed back against the back wall of the den. She held her breath as long as she could, her lungs burning for air; but they would never receive any.

Her mouth involuntarily opened as she gasped for air beneath the water. Liquid filled her lungs, her vision completely blurred, and her body started going limp. She was consciously aware of what was happening to her, but her aged body had already lost the fight. Her mind switched gears to death realization and brought back all the memories in her life. Her as a pup, her mother and father, her birth pack. Her travels as a loner, her acceptance into Valhalla by Cairo. Cairo... His name sounded so sweet in her mind. Her living in Valhalla as an outcast, her coming up to beta, her becoming alpha, the volcano eruption, Collisions rise to power, her returning to her rank as beta. Her sensual experience with Cairo, and then Friction. They had been the only two males who managed to steal her heart. Her and Frictions bond, him coming to Valhalla, her birthing Liberty, Friction and hers marriage. Watching Liberty grow, watching Cairo die, her growing a stronger bond with Friction and the rest of the pack. So many things had happened, but those where the moments that flashed through her mind during her last moments. And she was happy. With a smile on her face the old beta totally relaxed and accepted the fate that was coming to her. thump, thump, thump, thu-. And she peacefully passed with wonderful memories in her mind, and a smile on her face.

Long live the Valhallen Beta.

OOC: Aislyn is now dead, she may be retrieved after the waters have went down. She is in her den, and Liberty will go for help, but she will already be dead before anyone gets to her.

Australian Accent Speech