
Part the Waters


07-24-2013, 06:11 PM

The little woman felt as if she'd just been cast away. Her mother had pushed her out of the den, and now she was in deeper waters with rain pouring down on her head. She struggled to keep her head above the water as she turned to look behind her where she assumed her mother would be. Little did she know her mother wouldn't, and couldn't follow. "Mother!......Mother!" She screamed through the pouring rain and rush of water. She was starting to get pulled under again, and she knew she needed to get to dry land, but she couldn't leave her mother behind. She just knew any second now her ivory head would pop above the surface and they would retreat to safety together. But she didn't, and she never would.

"Mom please! I can't swim any longer!" Her legs were growing tired, and water was filling her mouth and nose. She spit it out the best she could, but she was quickly losing the battle. This is when she decided she couldn't wait any longer. She would have to come back for her mother. With a kick toward her right she turned her body the best she could away from what she assumed was the den. Her legs kicked back and forth beneath her as she doggie paddled through the deep water. She was still a pup, only a few months old, so she was still pretty small compared to a full grown wolf. Her paws couldn't touch the earth beneath her, and she wasn't exactly sure how deep the water was. All she knew was if she stopped swimming she would drown, and her mother would too. "Help! Someone help! Someone! Anyone!" She screamed to the best of her ability, but with the rushing water and pouring rain her voice was easily drowned out. Hopefully someone could hear her.

OOC: Someone needs to come save her please
