
Forget about tomorrow, tomorrow is today

Avalon / Acere


09-02-2019, 12:56 AM

Her touch brought comfort… a familiar being in a world that had become a stranger to him. The French man let the slightest smile touch his features. “I had made you a promise, Mademoiselle Avalon… there was no intention of breaking it.” He breathed out slowly. He had told her that he longed to check for any signs of his former friends in the lands where they once resided… but with failing senses could he even really be sure that he had checked properly?

“Intentional or not… I was worried I might break that promise.” The man confessed. “My sight is continuing to fail… Soon enough I’m sure I will no longer see any light.” Felicien shifted slightly, finding himself welcoming the touch to his cheek. She was a good woman… Surely he could swallow his own feelings to be with her now at the very least? At their age… they didn’t have a lot left for the world… with his failing sight being alone would just bring that faster…

He wasn’t afraid of death… but the thought of being alone when he left, cold, possibly starving somewhere because he could no longer hunt for himself properly in the grips of winter was a less than savory thought. And yet…

“Avalon…” The man took a slow breath. “Please… don’t think badly of me…” Guilt racked his heart. “I… I don’t know if I can bring myself to join Winterfell…” His emotions reflected in his voice. “I have never found the idea of packs, of authority, something that sat well with me…” And it hurt him now. How he didn’t just give in, swallowing his pride.

“...I am… at war with myself.” The man explained. “On one paw… my old habits, old ways, scream at me to turn away from here…” The man sighed. “...and then… there is my heart…” His expression softened. He was letting his walls down… just for her. “Fighting for my last and only friend… a woman who has been so kind to me…” He paused.

“It is selfish of me… but… I’d like to ask you wait… just a bit longer.” The man shuffled on his paws. “I will be lingering near Winterfell, less I lose the scent…” The man turned his head towards Avalon, nuzzling her cheek in return.

“For now… please stay with me a while… I… I’ve missed you.”

{{Old thread can be dead now. x'D}}
