
i don't care

ft idalia, fight prompt



2 Years
09-02-2019, 07:46 PM

With all the wolves trampling around the field, it was hard to imagine that there would be any troubles. Surely the mostly massive titans would scare predators away? You would think so, but that isn’t the case. A singular adolescent lynx stalked the outskirts of the tents, eyeing the delicious looking children that the wolves had brought with them. But this one also eyed the various food that Valhalla had brought with them. This wasn’t a pack’s land; it was a buffet. There were no scent lines to keep the lynx away, but it remained cautious all the same. But he didn’t seem to care about that. That person being Thaddeus. So, what if some random feline took a pup or two? It wasn’t like he had to be worried. He was almost an adult, a grown ass man. The amount of kids at this shin-ding was enough for him to gag anyway. Why couldn’t people keep their hormones in check?

Granted, that’d all change once he hit an adult age. Then he’d be looking to screw too. aside from that factor, Thad didn’t care if the lynx crept closer. He would watch it out of the corner of his eye, secluded from the rest of the pure bloods as they talked and ate. He assumed he wouldn’t give a shit, but when the cat veered off toward an unsuspecting child… maybe it was instinct. Maybe he cared a bit. “Hey kid!” the mutt would yell over at the weird colored child sitting without adult supervision. The lynx sprang, but he had already been moving toward it. Thad felt claws scratch his still-healing body, a yowl split the air – half frustration and half anger – as the cat collided with him mid-jump. Something about the panic it’d cause the peaceful festival made him spring to action.

Because if asked, he’d deny he gave a shit if the girl got eaten or not. As he managed to wrestle the cat to the ground, pinning it there with one dainty paw, he snarled into its face. It recoiled a bit, though there was still arrogance in its gaze. “You made a shitty mistake” Thad hissed at it, his floppy ears pinned against his skull. “guess ya gotta die now, huh?” at that crucial word – die – the lynx yowled and spat, waving its claws and cuffing him upside the head. “oof!” the mutt’s turn to recoil. He stupidly lifted his paw off the cat and it sprang to its feet, rushing at him.

"419/1500 words"

thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it