
i don't care

ft idalia, fight prompt



2 Years
09-02-2019, 08:09 PM

Well, he hadn’t expected the pup to do that. Thaddeus yelped as claws scratched at his face, only to tear away as the lynx was assaulted. Somehow that hurt even more. He snapped as the cat backed away, uselessly tearing in the air between them as the focus shifted to the girl. Though it tried to kick her off, she clung on almost desperately. He spewed a few swears that were perhaps too delicate for the child’s ears before launching himself at the lynx before it could attack her again. “No!” he snapped, this time his jaws closing around the right ear of the lynx and forcefully pulling it away as it tried. The cat yowled again – he was damn sure someone would come from all this yelling – but it seemed to be just the two of them.

The others didn’t seem to notice. Maybe they were too drunk from their Very Adult Drinks. Fuck, what sort of security did this festival have? Where were this kid’s parents? Where were her guardians? Nobody came and ran at the lynx. If he hadn’t decided to do this, she would be dead by now. Carried off while the rest of the festival participants went on their merry, self-involved way. And maybe that’s what made him care. He hadn’t had anyone but his sister care about him. he didn’t know the girl had her own twin though. Seeing the girl alone, without anyone to bother with her… it sparked an insane desire to protect her. Blood sprayed the ground as he gave a grunt, ripping the tip of the cat’s ear off. It shrieked. Loudly.

Spitting it out to the side, he fluffed up his fur and charged. This time he collided with the lynx’s face, forcing it back toward the trees with his meager weight. “Off! Get off!” he snarled at the girl who clung still. If she wasn’t careful, he’d force her into the brush as well.

"997/1500 words"

thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it