


07-24-2013, 09:03 PM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?: Other Charries
Age: 20

Character's Name: Sephiroth
Age: 2
Season of birth: Winter
Size: Large
Appearance description: Wrought with iron hard muscles packed into a powerfully built body, this beast is a full 35" of slim bodied power. His body is indeed slim looking, hiding underneath his sleek fur all the muscle that's corded into him. Though he is packed with mostly muscle, he is nowhere near bulky. In fact, his body is very sleek and thin, hiding the muscular activity dwelling underneath. This male is also tall, well groomed, and very handsome. Complimenting his looks are a set of slitted pupils ringed with a beautiful Blue Green color. Green encircles his pupils, whilst the blue color rings the green, thus creating an ethereal and rare color among the eyes of any animal. His head is a silvery white, with a slightly darker silver fade at the tip of his jowls under his nose and chin.
His sleek and well toned body is a beautiful silvery white, depending on the light of the sun or moon, making him appear like a silver apparition. A slim "X" shaped scar crosses his chest, (Like Tsume's from Wolf's Rain). Black coats his front legs, all the way up to half his shoulders. His back legs are also black, covering all the way to around his hips connecting both hind legs together. All four have silvery flecks of fur mixed in, but barely noticeable. His tail is very long and bushy, coated with silver fur from the base of his rump to the tip of his tail.

He has two tightly fitted silver bands that are just above his paws, and wears a torn black cloak protecting him from the cold and such. (Cloak will be obtained later on, just added into appearance so I don't forget. So he will not have it now until I buy it.)
Duty: Avenger