
When The Senses Are Shaken and the Soul Is Driven to Madness [VOLCANO]



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
09-04-2019, 07:52 PM
Shed been overseeing the nap time of her children when a tremor happened. She was content to wait it out at first but when it became violent and the den started dropping globs of dirt on them she was quick. Her eyes were determined as she nudged those that were not awake already awake. Then quickly nudged each after spirit's quick exit. Hopefully her son would await their family. Only once each child had emerged she did so. Only when she did her ears pressed and her heart clenched. Spirit was already gone, and her eyes fell on the sky. Her eyes became saucers. They needed out of here fast. She knew Rhyme was not here and was not an option to call, but there was one. She needed help to get each of her five children out. She loosed a howl for Ox, Noir and Theory. If any would fault ox now if he came to aid her, then they would meet a very out of ordinary Eulogy. Her children came first. She nudged each child in the direction of spirit.

"Go, we need to flee here. Hopefully we will be met by my friend and your cousins to get you all across the Rapids and to safety." she tried to stay as calm as possible but only once her children were safe would she be calm. She nudged those that weren't moving and those that were she moved in the direction spirit had gone and she had heard a packmate howl.

Once they were all there and with another adult she looked to the Male. Her eyes pled with him wordlessly to help her. She had five children that needed evacuation from this place before the blazes caught them.
[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]