
The Bells Of Mourning



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-24-2013, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-24-2013, 09:37 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron had been given plenty of time to prepare for her father's death. She had known for quite some time now that her father would not live for much longer; certainly for no more than a handful of seasons, if that. Cairo's health had been failing for some time, and she'd been give many opportunities to consider it. Still, the news was far too abrupt for her, and she felt her crown slipping, her composure all but crumbling as she curled against Erani. Epiphron arched her back, crouching down ever so slightly -- and rather unconsciously -- so she fit neatly under the woman's muzzle, as though she were merely a pup again.
"He was so strong," she murmured, her gentle voice quivering faintly with her anguish. Tears would fall, steady against Erani's fur, but she would not sob; she needed to maintain some semblance of control. "It is truly hard to imagine him being gone, Erani." Despite everything, Cairo had always been a constant in her life. But now the patriarch of the Adravendi family was gone, and she found herself suddenly overwhelmed-- albeit momentarily -- by all of the changes. Her father was dead; she and Chrysanthe were both beginning families of their own; Neo and Preston were nowhere to be found; and rumor had it that Syrinx and Eos had formed a strange sort of alliance and were now wandering the northern territories together.

"Thank you.. for coming and telling me." Her tail curled tightly about her hind legs as she pulled herself away, slowly, her breathing slightly labored as she calmed herself.