
A Man Who Pays His Bills on Time is Soon Forgotten

Emergency Meeting [select members]



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
09-05-2019, 09:52 PM

He waited somewhat anxiously to hear what Acere had to say. And as the alpha spoke, the earthen male fell into deep thought. They owed Hjarrandi a great deal because Ace saw the captoce fit enough to be freed, though he wondered if that particular wolf would be getting his freedom and be just that. Free. Or if he would be brought here to work off the debt that his freedom cost. It was certainly something he considered asking, but for now he was more concerned with the rest of it. Especially that he himself had been offered to aid the band for the next few seasons. He had to admit though, he wasn't mad about it. His sightless gaze drifted to his mother, knowing there was a task asked of him from her. Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity to start that task.

As Heloise spoke, he did agree with some of what she said. But even though they were put in a tough position, he could hear his alpha trying to be optimistic on the matter. He remained quiet, however, until Heloise stormed off before he spoke. "Well, we're certainly in a tough position,'s not as bad as it sounds if you ask me. Winterfell is a big pack, although we've lost a lot of resources with this, we have the numbers to regain it twice as quick." That's how he saw it, anyway. "As for offering my services to Hjarrandi, I'm okay with that. It'll give me the chance to find my siblings," He glanced at his companions, and then his mother. "I know you miss Okami and Kharnage and the rest of them. I do too...this is the perfect opportunity to branch out and look for them. So I will go with the band until my service time is up. Besides, it'll give some leeway for the packs numbers. And..." He grinned as he returned his attention to Acere, "I'm flattered that you consider me one of your best warriors. I guess I've proven that a blind guy is just as good as the rest of them,"

"Yes, but you also have us. We're your eyes, remember? Though I admit you've worked hard, I'm sure you're quite capable of fighting alone as well." The jaguar rumbled, tail twitching in thought. "And if I'm not mistaken, Winterfell originally had plans to raid as well, no? I see no problem with raiding others whether it's for our own gain or someone else's. Be they ally or otherwise. You said Abaven might have been lost as an ally over your choice?" "Their loss I say. Abaven aren't much good at fighting. They're a bunch of do gooders who care only about their own family and sticking their noses where they don't belong. Not much of a loss to us, we're better off not being associated with them." Shiva quipped as she stretched her legs. "Abaven isn't all bad, though things have been...different since Bass disappeared." Anyway, talking about Abaven wasn't their main discussion. "We'll help gather the rest of what we need before we go join them. As well as gathering extra to restock as much as we can before winter." He didn't have much else to add. Clearly Ace regretted his decision, but what's done is done.


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.