The Troubled Air That Rages [VOLCANO]
09-06-2019, 12:38 PM
Chyrsanthos stood transfixed as he watched the dark smoke billow into the sky. He couldn't believe this was happening. They'd barely gotten settled into a new land and now disaster was striking. All the while he couldn't help but feel he'd let his packa nd his family down. Chrys whipped his head around to see Thaddeus. He was glad to see the other man but also a bit exasperated. They'd talked about pack boundaries and the importance of calling before one was crossed but he supposed he could make an exception in the middle of a disaster. Best to say he just ran into Thaddeus at the border.
"The volcano's erupting! It's far too close to us, we'll need to evacuate." The question was where. He heard Pegasus call out. "My brother's calling a meeting. Come on, let's get moving!" There was too much else going on to fuss over Thaddeus' status and whether or not he, as a loner, should even be at the meeting. Chrysanthos just wanted to get to his family and get everyone safe.