
its a kodiak moment




1 Year
Extra large
09-06-2019, 05:34 PM
Zola wouldn't back down even if her bones were aching from travel and her cheek spilled crimson. the bear's claws had shredded her right cheek from the impact, but it was not so serious for her to blink. she had not lost an eye. she would potentially have a scar but she also had many other scars already. it was nothing. the strange little boy would whoop behind her, chanting in some language she assumed was the language of this land. or at least a language that held some religious meaning to it. she did not pay him attention as she advanced on the beast, too focused on keeping it away from him to acknowledge him.

with a sharp lash of her head, she would curve the blade of her spear upward against the grizzly's face. it cut deep; claws were all well and good, but she had been trained to do battle with a weapon. the beast roared as fresh blood poured from its face, blinding it to reason and its surroundings. she may have even cut open an eye, but the blood was too thick and too much to really look at. with the spear in her jaws, she could not talk, but a victory flashed in her mind. she grunted against the wooden part of the iklwa and pounced. Zola's massive body collided with the beast head-first, forcing it to the ground. the bear would fall upon its back, flailing desperately.

the bear's claws found her pelt as they swiped madly across the shoulders. blood sprayed the ground. with adrenaline pumping, she barely felt it right now. her eyes held the madness of violence. raising her spear, she jabbed it a few times at the beast's own shoulders, but the thing was smart. it protected its neck and vital organs with a hefty paw. Zola tried to find an opening to plunge her spear into, to finally end it and the suffering of the predator in one fell swoop. she was going to kill it so it would not attempt to harm another wolf. gods willing, the kill would be quick and painless.

- - "Talking!" Walking. 'Thought/Others!' - -
2/3 fought a large predator (grizzly bear)
0/3 met a new wolf (eliphas)
caution! zola can bite if triggered; be advised
this character has a thick african accent. can speak isizulu and swahili fluently!