
Trample upon me all you wish, I won't give up


07-24-2013, 10:35 PM
OOC// Not sure if Loccian was planning on moving based on what I read, so I'm just gonna put a whole life saving thing lol if you want me to change it then I will if you don't wanna be saved in one go XD

Chocolate ears rose as a strange sound came into his range of hearing. The warrior stopped atop a hill, icy gaze sweeping the landscape. Was it a quake he was hearing...? No. If it was a quake he'd feel the earth shift beneath him. He stood still, gaze sweeping steadily across the landscape as he searched for the source. Farther down the valley to his right side he could see a large cloud of dust rising into the air. Head tilted a little...was there a stampede of buffalo? Brows furrowed, the man continued to scan the sight. Some way ahead of the rushing herd he spotted something. A smaller figure, darker in comparison to the grassy landscape surrounding it. He took a step forward, looking between the figure and the herd. Why wasn't it moving? If the creature stayed there then surely the herd would run it over?! Gaze flicked again between the two, and finally the Knight took action.

Black pillars carried him downhill like a locomotive. He couldn't tell if it was a a creature he had met, as the wind carried the other way coming from behind the herd. He just hoped he could make it in time before the herd closed in and trampled it. Audits flattened to his head, he pushed his body to move faster then he had ever done in his life. Dirt and grass flew up behind him as his claws tore into the earth. Another quick glance at the herd told him that he had less then a minute, maybe even seconds. Charging straight towards what he now saw was a wolf, and into the path of the oncoming beasts, he finally was able to reach it. Without stopping, and with the herd just mere yards closing in rapidly, he crashed into the wolf, trying to push it into motion. "MOVE!!!" He yelled over the loud rumble of hooves as they descended upon them. Squall grabbed the wolf's scruff, and yanked her up and forward ahead of the herd. He half dragged her as he carried her along with him, the herd stampeding where they had been just moments before.

His heart raced and his breath came in short bursts as he gazed wildly around, the herd would be on them. They couldn't outrun them forever. Though he was quick and agile, he didn't know how long the frightened or angry bulls would run for. He looked to the side, and knew they'd have to make a diagonal run to safety. Going straight off the side would surely get them crushed. With a snarl, he angled himself so that he was running ahead of the herd and to the path of safety. He could feel the drum of their hooves pounding through out his body and his ears. Tail flagged behind him as he felt the hot breath from the closing herd, the she-wolf gripped firmly so that she wouldn't fall. Adrenaline gave him an extra burst, giving him quick recovery of speed to outrun the bulls by a short distance. Heart pounded hard and loud against his chest, and finally he reared his head to the side to give him an extra powerful swing and he threw the girl as hard as he could out of harms way. They had reached near the edge of the herd, and so he had used the opportunity to save her. The movement had caused him to slow a little, and with that he stumbled slightly. He had recovered quickly, however, the foreleg of a buffalo cow clipped his hind leg and caused him to stumble.

He gasped in surprise as he met the ground, barely rolling out of the way as the cow stumbled and fell where he had just fallen. Now, the herd was on him. Dust and bodies swirled around the male. He curled up and covered his head, receiving a kick to his body every so often from a passing buffalo. He grunted with each blow, as he moved to stay alive. He rose to his feet once there was a small gap, and looked around confused and slightly disoriented. He growled and snapped at a passing cow, thus using the chance to escape the onslaught and leaped out of the raging herd. His body pierced the dust as it flew out of the unknown, falling into safety among the long grass of the land. Landing heavily on front paws, he fell forward and rolled a few feet before finally coming to a stop. He lied there, body heaving with the effort of breathing. For now, he felt no pain as the adrenaline cloaked it. Later, he would surely feel the beating the prey animals had instilled upon him. At least she escaped unharmed... He thought. The quick event that had happened prevented him from recognizing who it was. All he knew was that she was safe.

Speech, Thought, You