
Do you know where the wild things go?

Tiresias I


07-24-2013, 10:39 PM

[Image: n6vw2v.jpg]


Tiresias would never have suspected her true duty. If he were to guess from what he knew so far, he'd say maybe a hunter. Anything but the answer she gave him. His eyes widened and he rose an eyebrow at her, but nothing more than that. Something would have to really shock him to get any sort of emotion to cross his muzzle. Like the horse encounter. It was funny, in a way, that the strength of her voice interested him almost as much as her words. She was gaining a bit of her strength back.

He sat in silence as he listened to her tale of vagabonds and bounty hunters, readily believing it. He had no reason to doubt her. It fascinated him that she seemed so innocent, speaking of the horrible things she'd recently done. Alena had robbed other wolves of their lifeblood and had nearly died trying to take care of all of them, yet still lay before him like the wounded damsel he'd originally taken her for. Needless to say, he was surprised. Tiresias wondered what it would be like to take a life rather than try to save it. The feeling was eerie, sending shivers down his spine. He could never do it, not until the brink of death would he do it. Different wolves live different lives, he thought.

The injured wolfess met his gaze and he noticed the shame within them. He could only imagine how hard it was for her to admit the truth to him, and he respected the fact that she had done it. She gave him her thanks and asked if there was anything she could do to repay him before giving him the go-ahead to leave if he was ready. "I don't see you any differently. Your job is far separated from what I do but I don't judge for that." He took a breath, then continued. "You owe me nothing, I'm glad to have helped and that is enough for me. You don't seem well enough yet for me to leave you, and I can't leave you for a predator's dinner."

TAG: alena! . WORDS: 354 . NOTES: none.