
i'm not okay

ft anyone



2 Years
09-07-2019, 12:14 PM

when he awoke, it was dark. the soot and ash still covered the sky from beyond his location, blocking out most of the stars. but at least he hadn't passed out in a danger zone. he struggled to get to his paws; his neck stung like a bitch and there was something ontop of him that hindered his movements. with a last mighty shake, he shoved the carcass off of him. had that bastard did that when he passed out? fuck! he lifted his head to the sky and screamed. bellowing his frustrations out at the world, he felt the sting of tears in his eyes that he desperately tried to repress.

Thaddeus felt hot shame burning in the pit of his stomach combined with other confusing emotions. he hadn't noticed his season had come, and that he was a year older and technically an adult now. but he knew that it didn't matter in the end. he had nobody to hold onto, no community to take him in, and worst of all he had fled away from the one person who had shown him kindness. if he went back to Olympia now, he'd just cause more problems. they couldn't fix him. he could barely fix this himself. "what the fuck am I supposed to do now?!" he shrieked, kicking out at the corpse beside him and tearing into it in a fit of rage.

the world was ending. he didn't know if other worlds were though; he could run away and never come back if he thought about it. but he wasn't thinking straight. he needed something to grasp, some idea to hold... maybe even someone to be beside. not romantically necessarily, but just as an ally. a friend. someone he could depend on. someone who wouldn't care if they had to depend on him back. Thaddeus desired acceptance. but he wasn't sure if he would fight for it. so far his efforts had been in vain. the mutt lowered his head and he reclined upon the earth. his long tail twisted around his shaking legs, trying to find some form of comfort.

thad is hurt and feeling down, so anyone welcome to help (and recruit) him
rated M for heavy swearing, no formal mature thread

thaddeus is rated mature due to some assumed content in his posts and history
be advised that role-playing with him can trigger others, and any thread will be marked M if it includes it